Thursday, July 5, 2012

New updates!

Hey guys,

It's been a while since my last post I think about 2 months now. WOW that's a while but I'm back and I now and there is so much that is going on that I don't know where to start. Ok I guess for starters I'm on my last semester of my photography school. It's been two long years but I'm just a few weeks away of finishing this journey. Well now during this few weeks my classmates and I have to each produce a portfolio, create 25 images to go in the portfolio, plan a portfolio show, create a website, business cards, upload images, etc... the list goes on and on but its all is an amazing journey and I would not change it for nothing in the world. It's better to stay busy than not busy at all besides all of this gives me a look at what the real world will be all about. Ok during this time I will keep you guys posted on whats happening next and what I'm working on so until have a wonderful day.